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July 27, 2004



Wow wow wow.


I am so jealous. A girl I knit with who's originally from Mass. was just telling me about Webs last night, and I couldn't stop ogling the poncho that she'd knit with some gorgeous thick and thin yarn from Webs. Also, I didn't know there were Yuengling drinkers in NY!


Holy cow, woman! Of course, you realize that my mind is now occupied with coming up with yarn-related lyrics to West Side Story. (When you're Big Net, you're Big Net all the way...something something Koigu...)

That egg carton of scrap yarn is the cutest thing ever.


OMG! That yarn looks amazing! What a great way to spend a business trip!

When are we getting together for lunch? I'm craving some Indian food something fierce! Call me and we will work it out. ;)


What a haul! Now I definitely have to make the 2-hr trip out to Webs next time I visit my family in Massachusetts!


oh my, what a trip. that egg carton is just the cutest for scraps! leave it to erica to find a cool way to even send scraps. too cute. great yarn photos (DROOL!) and gotta love those mags and that pic of you and that massive wall of yarn, WOW!


Oh, my holy Jesus! What a shopping trip! A yarn freaking warehouse?! I'm drooling on myself here.


Hey great looking trip! Webs is cool, huh? I love their discounts too. I got a whole extra cone of yarn when I was there thanks to the discount. I've never been to Northampton Wools though. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the peek into your shopping bag! :)

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