I'm a little behind on my Knit-Out posting, but it's been a busy week. 'Sides, there's plenty of excellent coverage already. It was the Martian's second whack at the catwalk (thanks to his Vogue-y godmothers), and he was a wee little trooper about putting on a sweater in the unseasonable heat.
The glazed look on his mom's face is probably leftover mortification at his runway antics during rehearsal. The little bugger dropped trou not once but TWICE, and I swear the second time was 100% intentional. No pix, unfortunately, I was too busy chasing him down and trying to get the damn pants to stay up. He thought it was the funniest damn thing, the little dancing monkey.
Here's how much of a dope I am — we were standing backstage bang next to the Harlot Herself, and it took me forever to finally work up enough nerve to blurt out, "Hey, love your books!"
I'm such a dork.
Then there was the playground, some communing with lovely knitterfolk and knitterkinder, and a leisurely stroll downtown to the PATH.
Still meandering along on the socks. Should have progress pics soon. Of course, that would necessitate making some actual progress.
*The Martian's take on "Shanah Tovah" — Happy New Year, people.