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December 23, 2007


nipper jenn

Absolutely everything is better with bacon! I'm so glad to have indoctrinated you into Crif Dog love, but I think I may have to hit up Rodeo Bar for some Cowboy Kisses. You up for it sometime?


late night trick: in my fridge are sandwitch bags with 3 pieces of bacon and 6 shrimps in each. i grab a bag, wrap the shrimp real quick, and drop them in a skillet. a few minutes, and a turn or two later... the best late night snack ever! and you don't even really need the skewers, half a slice of bacon wraps around the shrimp JUST right.

for new years dinner, i threw a bunch of asparagus in a casserole pan with some olive oil, garlic, rosemary and thyme. i covered the top of the pan with bacon... after it had cooked for a while i took the kitchen scisors and cut the bacon up into little bits, stirred it in, and let it bake for just a little bit longer. it was gone about 3 minutes after it hit the table.

yes, everything is better with bacon.

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