Artist Nina Katchadourian eats your lace for breakfast.
The Mended Spiderweb Series came about during a six-week period in June
and July in 1998 which Californian artist Nina Katchadourian spent on
Pörtö. In the forest and around the house where she was living, she
searched for broken spiderwebs which she repaired using red sewing
All of the patches were made by inserting segments one
at a time directly into the web. Sometimes the thread was starched,
which made it stiffer and easier to work with. The short threads were
held in place by the stickiness of the spider web itself; longer threads were reinforced by dipping the tips into white glue (found at The Presurfer.)
So, technically not knitting, but pretty dang badass all the same.
In a completely unrelated aside, I bought a box of what I thought were Clementines last week, and am somewhat miffed to discover in the fine print of the box's label that they're actually tangerines. I mean, tangerines are fine and all, but I'm used to thinking "Clementines" when I see that distinctive wooden box in front of the bodega. And tangerines...they ain't them.
Petty? Perhaps. But I still feel like I've been had.
That's amazing! And honestly: those tangerines were just incredible, so who cares that they weren't clementines? They were so sweet and so intensely flavored. Mmmmm! BTW, I owe you a slew of photos.
Posted by: regina | April 30, 2008 at 11:37 PM
Dang. That's really incredible and totally badass.
Posted by: Michelle | May 01, 2008 at 06:15 AM
Posted by: bethanie | May 03, 2008 at 12:30 PM