From the Time Magazine story:
Excess consumption is practically an American religion. But as
anyone with a filled-to-the-gills closet knows, the things we
accumulate can become oppressive. With all this stuff piling up and
never quite getting put away, we’re no longer huddled masses yearning
to breathe free; we’re huddled masses yearning to free up space on a
countertop. Which is why people are so intrigued by the 100 Thing
Challenge, a grass-roots movement in which otherwise seemingly normal
folks are pledging to whittle down their possessions to a mere 100
A fine challenge. And completely do-able, so long as "yarn" qualifies as one item.
i love this. live simply.
Posted by: xtina | June 15, 2008 at 11:34 AM
I have been on a clearing-out binge for the last two weeks. I have no desire to get down to 100 items, but I should could do with about a thousand less! Countertops..yes! Take back our countertops!
Posted by: Sharon | June 15, 2008 at 04:55 PM
I frequently yearn to dump most of my stuff and live more simply, but I honestly don't think my kids could get with that program unless they had no choice. It's tough -- I admit that I'm a stuff magnet, but I would have a much easier time parting with my crap than they would. Someday, for sure. It's certainly a goal of mine.
Posted by: regina | June 15, 2008 at 08:44 PM
I had the same thought about yarn when I read the article.
Posted by: monica | June 16, 2008 at 05:48 PM